Well first off, I should explain how this trip came to be. My in-laws planned a trip to Atlanta to be with a friend as he went through the temple (the guy's dad was baptized by my father-in-law on his mission years ago!). So, they also planned to drive the 2 hours up here to see us too. But, they were only going to be able to stay 1 day with us before flying home again. I was really bummed that we wouldn't get more time with them. Less than a week before they came, as I was talking to Joel about it we decided I could follow my in-laws back the same day they left and have a little vacation (just without Joel since we are saving his vacation time for the summer). I didn't fly with them, but was able to plan the flight to arive in SLC the same time as their flight and then we (Emery and I) drove out to Nevada with them! Horrah!
Here is the 1 picture I got from the day Kathy and John were in Simpsonville with us. Emery has so much fun with Grandma. I'm glad that wasn't the only time Emery got with her. He might have been really sad to see her go after only 1 day!!
The school house in Ruby Valley had an Easter egg hunt the Friday before Easter. Unfortunately we had to wake up Emery early from his nap to go to it. He was a little out of it! Plus it was a little nippy.
Emery almost gets it. Other than the fact he likes to open up each egg as he finds it to see what's inside. It takes a little prodding to get him to put it in the basket and go find more!
Easter basket!
Emery spent most of his days following around Grandma, playing with Ben, and running free! I thought this vacation was for me to see friends and family but it turns out Emery had the time of his life too :)
I spent my time reading, watching tv/movies, playing games, and just enjoying some company! Most of the time Emery wanted Grandma to himself and didn't really want me around! It was a nice break. Oh and I even make 1 trip to "town" (aka. Elko) with Sam and Mary the day before Easter. Other than that, I didn't do any shopping for 10 days! Wow, maybe I should move there. I might save some money :)
After 10 wonderful days in Nevada it was time to head back to Utah to see my parents. My mother-in-law was heading to a family history class in Provo so I hitched a ride again!
The first day we were there my mom wasn't home yet from a trip to visit My grandma in AZ. Emery was excited to see Grandpa!
But of coarse as soon as Grandma came home he was excited all over again! Grandma is good about getting Emery to help out. He learned to wash off the dishes and really loved to do it too!

Since both my parents work a little I planned to visit Museums and do a bunch of fun things while we were in Utah. First we went to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, UT.
Of coarse I had to see some friends! I went with my frineds Jenny and TJ to Training Table for dinner and then to Color Me Mine where we pained pottery. We aren't aritsts but had fun until 11 when they closed and kicked us out!
I visited my college roommate Jennie and her 2 cute kids in Farmington, UT. We hadn't seen each other for almost 5 years! Too long Jennie!! We'll keep in touch better now with blogs right?
This peacock put up it's pretty feathers as we sat near it. I didn't get a picture until they were almost down though.
Over 50% of the time Emery doesn't like slides. But, after I went down with him twice he loved it! And went down another dozen times or so!
Just before leaving Emery played with the giant ball the spins in water. Hard to explain, but the kids love it.
I was able to see my cousin Emma and her kids when we met up at the Aquarium in Sandy. It's not very big yet, but I think they are still adding to it.
We did lots of other things (that I didn't get pictures of) like feed the ducks, visit with my sister Heidi and her kids and get pizza, go to the library's story time, eat out (a lot! what? there are a lot of places I miss), visit BYU, get my hair done, go to the temple, and see my frind Erin Anderson. It was a long trip that actually went by really quick. I had SO much fun!! So much that we are going back again in July! -Next time I'll take Joel too :)