Age: 18 months
Height: 34.5" (98 %)
Weight: 22.4 lbs (19 %)
Hobbies: Following big brother around, dancing, and coloring.
Skills: Eating with fork and spoon, drinking from a cup, running and climbing, scribbling with crayons and learning more words.
What I'm in to: Jabbering, playing with stuffed animals, playing with push toys and stroller, reading, playing tea party, and eating all day long.
What I'm not in to: Sharing, sitting still, being quiet, the high chair, diapering and waiting for things.
Foods: Loves to eat all day long! Lately like pomegranates, clementines, mashed potatoes, and candy.
What I'm saying: Mama, daddy, rar rar (Jaguar), ball, bowl, apple, cocoa, no, and this.
Sleeping Habits: Up around 7:30am and down around 8pm with 1 nap around 1:00pm. for about 1.5-2 hours. (occasionally a 3 hour nap)
Favorite Songs: Jingle Bells, Wheels on the bus, Popcorn popping, the Daddy song, and the Elmo song.
Other things: Likes the toys in Nursery but doesn't want to be left.
Loves to dance around to music.
Misses big brother when he is at school.
Blows kisses and gives good hugs.
Folds arms during prayers and then says "All done!" very loudly.
Loves to giggle and tickle and smile.