Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Kids

 Lucy is really letting her little personality shine lately. She is quite the lady loving all things girly. She especially loves to try on Mommy's shoes; even if it is a little frustrating trying to make them fit! She is a little climber as seen here in the tub. She is also very concerned with little specks of dirt or lint on the floor. She'll pick them up and take the to the garbage. If she feels some unknown particle on her foot, she'll sit right down to take care of it.
 As with many little girls, she is quite emotional. She is quick to cry if she doesn't get her way. I see quite a lot of this face...
 But, at least she can soothe herself with her thumb and favorite stuffed toy.
 She loves to feed herself. However, it does make quite a mess for Mommy!

 Emery still loves school! His favorite friend in his class is a little girl named Isabella. Apparently she whispered to him the other day that she loved him. I asked him if said it back and he said, "No, we weren't supposed to talk while the teacher is talking!"
He is very interested in reading lately. I think he'll be quite the book worm some day :) Just like Mommy and Daddy!

Keeping Busy!

 Joel has been keeping busy getting fit and running a lot. His latest 5K was sponsored by his company Michelin. It was early in the morning and a little overcast. But still pretty humid. We've decided though that we all do much better in afternoon races. Momma likes her sleep!

His time improved from his last race so we'll count it as a success! Good job Joel!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

This moment in time: 15 months old

Age: 15 months
Height: 32.25" (94%)
Weight: 19.62 lbs (26%)

Hobbies: Being with mommy, climbing, and eating

Skills: Running, climbing, and getting my way

What I'm in to: Playing outside, running, picking my own snack, and playing with Mommy's shoes, purses, jewelry, and makeup brushes.

What I'm not in to: Diapering, riding in the car, being told no, and playing alone.

Foods: Whatever mommy and daddy and emery are having! favorites also include yogurt, Popsicles, and treats!

What I'm saying: Dada, and lots of grunting and pointing. Also nods yes and no

Sleeping Habits: Up around 7am and down at around 7:30pm with 1 nap around 10:30 or 11am, and a rest in the afternoon (but not falling asleep) for about 30 minutes.

Favorite Songs: Winnie the Pooh, Twinkle Twinkle, and I am a Child of God

Other things: 6 teeth now with at least 2 more on the way
Pulls Mommy's hair to get attention
Loves to hold her stuffed "Baby Jaguar" and suck her thumb still
Beginning to have stranger anxiety (heavily prefers mommy to any others)
Likes to self feed
Still has a beautiful smile that melts your heart!

Visit from Grandma Kathy

 In anticipation of Grandma Kathy's arrival, the kids went to town on coloring a nice picture with markers for her.

 Lucy was a little concerned with getting her hands washed afterward :)

 I didn't get pictures of everything we did for the 7 day visit but we sure packed in a lot of fun!

To sum up we played in the tent, did worksheets, went to school, took naps, went to lunch, got wet in the back yard with the pool and slip n slide, went shopping, went to the library, watched movies, went to a birthday party, played games and puzzles, had lots of stories, went to dinner and the candy store in Greenville, and got rained on too.
And we can't wait until next time! Thanks for coming Grandma!! The kids LOVED it :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First Day of K4

Emery started K4 today. He goes to a local Christian church for his preschool. His teachers are Mrs. Jill and Mrs. Tiffany. He was beyond excited to start school. So excited even that he woke me up at 4:45am anxious to get going! My sweet little boy is growing up. Love you Emery!