Tuesday, August 17, 2010

This moment in time: 3 months old

I just love her beautiful blue eyes!

Hobbies: kicking and swatting, making noises, smiling, and sticking out her tongue.

Skills: nursing and sleeping through the night (since 2 1/2 months old she's slept for stretches of 8-10 hours!!)

What I'm in to: looking at/swatting at my toys, being held and played with, and listening to music

What I'm not in to: (baths aren't so bad now- she gasps but doesn't cry!) waiting for my diaper to be changed

Foods: breastmilk

What I'm saying: A whole lot! I love to coo and squeal and make all sorts of noises!


Unknown said...

She is such a doll... but I knew you guys would make a beautiful little girl!

Jenny said...

She just gets getting prettier and prettier. That is so great she sleeps through the night. I know how much you like you sleep. :)

Lindsay said...

She really is beautiful, just like her mama! Cute pictures!

Lindsay said...

Julie, thank you SO much for your sweet comment on my blog...I really appreciate your input! I'm glad to hear it from someone who is DOING it! You are an awesome mom! 2 babies just seems so intense! But here's to bravery and faith, right? Thanks Julie!