Thursday, November 15, 2012

This moment in time: 2 1/2 Lucy

Age: 2 1/2 years

Hobbies: Drawing and dress-up

Skills: Getting dressed, opening the garage, and playing alone occasionally

What I'm in to: Barney, play food, cutting paper (and hair! yikes), play-doh, coloring, painting, games, and helping mommy

What I'm not in to: Nap and bed time, Emery being bossy, and being told "no"

Foods: Mashed potatoes, bananas, juice, but not milk

What I'm saying: Why?, where is___?, Pah-leeese???, oh, tank you!, I be happy to, and I don't sink so.

Sleeping Habits: Bed time at around 7 or 7:30pm, up around 7, nap at 1pm for about 2 hrs.

Favorite Songs: Wheels on the bus, I am a child of God, twinkle twinkle, and I love to see the temple

Other things: Loves to have her picture taken
Wants to hold Andy every day
Willing to try new food that mom and dad are having
Loves to ride her tricycle
Wishes she could do bubbles all day long
Will only clean up if you sing the "clean up" song
Loves to sleep with her dalmatian dog and pink blanket
Likes to watch tv with Emery in the morning
Wishes she could have fruit snacks for breakfast
Has cut her own hair twice!

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