25 inches (79 %)
Hobbies: grabbing anything within reach and putting it in my mouth, kicking, and sitting or standing with help (and still sleeping very well!!)
Skills: spitting and sticking out my tongue, almost rolling over, and almost laughing
What I'm in to: baby swing, being held up, and attention from mom, dad & emery
What I'm not in to: riding in the car/being strapped down
Foods: breastmilk
What I'm saying: ooooh, aaaah, and eeeee
She is SOOO cute! I think (from that top picture) that is starting to look more like Emery! Adorable.
I forgot to type "she" in that second sentence there...sorry.
I just love her eyes! So big and blue.
I love her little feet tucked under her arms! So gorgeous :)
Her hair looks really thick and full in those pictures!
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